By Ben Shahrabi

Organisations planning to commemorate the 80th anniversary of VE Day in May are encouraged to apply for funding from Maldon Town Council.
Small grants of between £50 and £200 are available, as the council aims to support community groups in organising events which honour the date that marked the end of the Second World War in Europe.
Maldon Town Mayor, Councillor Andrew Lay, said: “The VE Day 80 grant scheme allows us to contribute towards the community celebrations in the town.
“We have great vibrant community here and I am looking forward to the many
different celebrations of this historic day in our town, while remembering the sacrifice of those who helped achieve peace in Europe.”
Eligible organisations include community groups, schools, charities, and other not-for-profit
groups based in Maldon.
Grant applications will be evaluated based on their benefit to Maldon residents, their community impact, and "alignment with the spirit of VE Day".
For more information and to access the grant application form, visit the Maldon Town Council website or email
Applications must be submitted by 10 March 2025.